The Community Project Funding (CPF) process allows Members of Congress to direct spending to projects in their communities that are high priority and broadly supported. This ensures that the people’s federal representatives can target spending to where it is most needed, instead of leaving the decision entirely up to the federal bureaucracy.
For fiscal year 2024 (FY24), Members of the House of Representatives were permitted to submit a maximum of fifteen (15) projects to the House Appropriations Committee for consideration. All projects were vetted and those that were selected will be overseen to make sure that taxpayer dollars are spent properly.
The full list of projects secured by Congressman Miller is as follows:
Recipient: Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) Project Title: Stormwater Project Recipient Address: 3900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Amount Funded: $2,000,000.00 Amount Requested: $2,500,000.00 Project Description: This project will improve stream conveyance and reduce flooding. Under present conditions, flooding during wet weather events negatively impacts the region and the project will enlist cost-effective methods to improve flood conditions.
Recipient: City of Parma Project Title: Craigleigh Drive Septic Abatement Project
Recipient Address: 6611 Ridge Road, Parma, Ohio 44129 Amount Funded: $1,250,000.00 Amount Requested: $1,714,586.96 Project Description: This project will address failing septic systems, and the installation of a new sanitary sewer with the associated utilities, pavements, and restoration.
Recipient: City of North Olmsted Project Title: Clague Road Sanitary Force Main Project
Recipient Address: 5200 Dover Center Road, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070 Amount Funded: $1,250,000.00 Amount Requested: $2,000,000.00 Project Description: This project will allow the City to use a “dig once” approach to major infrastructure repairs as it looks toward future infrastructure projects. The City is currently in design for the installation of 4,900 linear feet (LF) of sanitary force main piping to be installed prior to the reconstruction of Clague Road. By sequencing the sub-surface infrastructure repairs prior to the road reconstruction, the City will minimize the disruption caused by the construction, and realize economies of scale, as well as price and cost efficiencies.
Recipient: City of Bay Village Project Title: Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SS0) Elimination Project. Recipient Address: 350 Dover Center Road, Bay Village, Ohio 44140 Amount Funded: $866,000.00 Amount Requested: $866,000.00 Project Description: This project will allow the City of Bay Village to address a Clean Water Act violation and bring the City into compliance with Federal law by engineering and designing the equalization tank and the sewer improvements, planning submission to the EPA, and preparing bid documents.
Recipient: City of Middleburg Heights Project Title: Indian Creek/Gerald Sanitary Relief
Recipient Address: 15700 Bagley Road, Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130 Amount Funded: $1,250,000.00 Amount Requested: $4,500,000.00 Project Description: This project will upgrade, structuralize, and maintain an already old sewer infrastructure, to solve an ongoing structural integrity issue that could prove to be even more costly down the line if not addressed immediately.
Recipient: City of Fairview Park Project Title: Regional Equalization Facility Program
Recipient Address: 20777 Lorain Road, Fairview Park, Ohio 44126 Amount Funded: $1,152,000.00 Amount Requested: $1,200,000.00 Project Description: This project will fix century-old sewer infrastructure. The proposed project is an integral move towards compliance and will reduce the pressure placed on the wastewater treatment plant and the quantity of undertreated sewage entering Lake Erie.
Recipient: Village of Seville Project Title: Wastewater Treatment Program Expansion Recipient Address: 120 Royal Crest Drive, Seville, Ohio 44273 Amount Funded: $1,000,000.00 Amount Requested: $2,500,000.00 Project Description: This project will help to evaluate the existing Wastewater Treatment and recommend improvements to increase the capacity of the plant for anticipated future expansion and development within the Village’s service area.
Recipient: City of Rocky River Project Title: Wooster/Rockcliff Sewer Rehabilitation Recipient Address: 21012 Hilliard Boulevard, Rocky River, Ohio 44116 Amount Funded: $1,000,000.00 Amount Requested: $3,250,000.00 Project Description: This project will support the Wooster/Rockcliff Sewer Rehabilitation and Multimodal Transportation Improvement Project for the replacement of almost 1,000 linear feet of inverted storm and sanitary sewer on public property.
Recipient: Cuyahoga County Project Title: County-Wide 9-1-1 System Upgrade Recipient Address: 2079 E 9th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Amount Funded: $2,000,000.00 Amount Requested: $2,000,000.00 Project Description: This project will help to fund a new county-wide 9-1-1 system that will be fully capable of providing communities with basic emergency services of answering 9-1-1 calls and sending the appropriate response for those calls. With the new technological features and capabilities of Next Generation 9-1-1, the updated system will provide the best public safety technologies available for all Cuyahoga County residents, to ensure a timely public safety response throughout the county.
Recipient: Ohio Aerospace Institute Project Title: Aviation Tech Workforce Development Program Recipient Address: 22800 Cedar Point Road, Brook Park, Ohio 44142 Amount Funded: $1,100,000.00 Amount Requested: $1,100,000.00 Project Description: This project will develop an aviation maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) training program for high school students and adult training. Students will be exposed to the details of working in the aviation industry and specifically, what it takes to succeed as an MRO technician. The request will fund the development of a curriculum to be approved by the FAA for students to graduate as certified MRO mechanics. There is strong demand for workers with these skills, which will allow graduates to transition into the workforce directly after graduation.
Recipient: Medina County Sheriff’s Department Project Title: Mobile Command Unit Recipient Address: 555 Independence Drive, Medina Ohio, 44256 Amount Funded: $500,000.00 Amount Requested: $1,000,000.00 Project Description: This project will fund a new Mobile Command Unit, which enhances interoperability communications among public safety agencies and provides a redundancy for all 911 Dispatch Centers, giving an emergency option for large-scale incidents an organized element to handle all requests needed from involved public safety entities, including local, state, and federal.
Recipient: City of Olmsted Falls Project Title: Columbia Road Reconstruction Recipient Address: 26100 Bagley Road, Olmsted Falls, Ohio 44138 Amount Funded: $3,040,000.00 Amount Requested: $3,040,000.00 Project Description: The funding will be used for the engineering and construction of the Columbia Road Project, which is in desperate need of repairs and improvements for Ohioans to travel safely to and from their destination.
Recipient: Sharon Township Project Title: Sharon Township Center Circle Crosswalk Signalization Recipient Address: 1322 Sharon Copley Road, Sharon Center, Ohio 44274 Amount Funded: $150,000.00 Amount Requested: $150,000.00 Project Description: This project will include the addition of four (4) sets of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s) to provide pedestrians the opportunity to alert oncoming drivers of their intention to cross the traveled way. Each RRFB consists of the flashing beacon utilizing the FHWA “Wig-Wag and Simultaneous” (WW+S) flash pattern along with all other necessary signage, hardware, electronics, and solar power equipment to perform the desired functionality.
Recipient: Medina Metropolitan Housing Authority Project Title: The Lafayette Energy Efficiency Design and Operating Systems Recipient Address: 850 Walter Road, Medina, Ohio 44256 Amount Funded: $100,000.00 Amount Requested: $100,000.00 Project Description: This project will enhance the energy efficiency design and operating systems to include geothermal heating and cooling along with photovoltaic (i.e., solar) panels for The Lafayette, which will be a Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Development designed to serve individuals with a federally defined disability.