Statement from Congressman Max Miller on the Fiscal Responsibility Act

May 31, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Max Miller (OH-07) today released the following statement on the Fiscal Responsibility Act:

I will vote to pass the Fiscal Responsibility Act, the largest deficit reduction bill in our nation’s history. This is a positive, consequential step to take control of the government’s reckless spending.

Defaulting on our debt would be catastrophic, and the potential pain for Americans across the board is frightening. This underscores the need for action.

Make no mistake – there is still plenty of work to be done. However, even with Democrat control of the White House and Senate, the GOP-led House got significant concessions out of President Biden after he said for months that he would not negotiate. This deal will save the American people at least $1.5 trillion, and as much as $2.1 trillion—the largest deficit reduction bill in our country’s history. It will streamline the permitting process for infrastructure and energy projects. It will strengthen work requirements for able-bodied adults on welfare programs. It will require student loan borrowers to be responsible for paying off their loans once again. And it will eliminate funding for President Biden’s IRS army in this fiscal year.

Bottom line: while this deal is not perfect, it is a big step in the right direction for our country. Now, Republicans need to get back to doing what we’ve long promised—building an economy that’s strong, a nation that’s safe, a future built on freedom, and a smaller government that’s accountable to the people.


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