Statement by Congressman Max Miller Regarding His Opposition to Continuing the Reckless Spending of Biden, Pelosi & Schumer

Jan 18, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C.– Today Congressman Max Miller (OH-07) released the following statement regarding his vote against a continuing resolution to fund the Federal Government at Biden-Pelosi-Schumer inflated spending levels:

“Ohioans are tired of Washington’s spending problem, which reached record levels under the misguided leadership of President Biden, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Thanks to this reckless spending, Americans are paying higher prices at the pump, at the grocery store, and for just about everything else.

Instead of kicking the can further down the road, we should pass spending bills that, while maybe not perfect, actually move us in the right direction toward getting our fiscal house in order.

Former Speaker McCarthy negotiated a good agreement that could save taxpayers as much as $2.1 trillion over the next decade. I look forward to working with my colleagues to uphold that agreement, fund projects important to our communities instead of Nancy Pelosi’s pet programs, and help to put an end to the Washington status quo, which is hanging Americans out to dry.

It’s time to finish the job.”

Editor’s note regarding Congressman Miller:

Congressman Max Miller represents Ohio’s Seventh District which includes Medina and Wayne counties as well as parts of Cuyahoga and Holmes counties. Miller sits on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and the House Agriculture Committee. Before joining Congress, Miller spent six years in the Marine Corps Reserves and served in several senior positions for President Donald Trump. Please visit for more information.


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